K-water is top level total water service company.


트위터 페이스북

People-oriented customized services

We realize people-oriented customized services including service innovation for people, mutual cooperation with SMEs, expansion of smart water management and strategic CSV activities.

  • 국민이 원하는 서비스 제공

    Provide services people want

    K-water provides the information and services people want by promoting a big data-based water information portal and expanding smart water management.

  • 상생협력 및 공정경쟁

    Mutual cooperation and fair competition

    K-water leads mutual cooperation with SMEs and venture companies by nurturing and supporting programs and takes the initiative in establishing a fair economic order for public organizations through fair and transparent public procurement.

  • 지역발전 및 지역경제 활성화

    Promote local development and local economies

    K-water strives to promote local economies and contribute to local communities through the opening of infrastructure including corporate assets and creating local jobs in relation with business areas.

2022 Road Map for a Happier Korea with Water - People-oriented customized services